
Tank’s been a BEST MATE ever since he received his puppy vaccinations which means that whenever his owner is concerned about him, he can have a consult with the vet for FREE!

We’ve enjoyed watching Tank grow up. Recently he came in for his desexing procedure and pre-anaesthetic blood screen (included in the BEST MATES program).

While he was here our vet’s examined his airway and resected his soft palate to make it easier for him to breath.  Because Tank’s a BEST MATE his owner received a discount on that procedure too!


So what does Tank love about Best Mates?

Tank is a pretty keen ambassador for our BEST MATES program with the key highlights for him being:

  • FREE unlimited consults
  • FREE Desexing
  • FREE Vaccinations
  • FREE nail trims
  • FREE Microchip

Along with some super discounts across professional fees, nutrition, merchandies, parastie control and more.

All the things a pup like Tank needs to get a great start in life!

For more information on our “pupulour BEST MATES program, click on the link below!

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